Thursday 23 June 2011

Earthship news: June 2011 Junie :Aardskip nuus

English follows


Versoek vir voorstel:
Is daar enige eko-bouers wat wil deelneem aan 'n Aardskip projek in Orania? Ludwig en Retha Everson wag tenders in van bouers wat hierdie opwindende projek saam met ons wil aanpak. Wie wil help bou aan 'n aardskip in Orania?
Vrywilligers is ook welkom.

1. Daar sal gebou word volgens die Aardskip beginsels.
2. Die bouer moet vertroud wees met aard-sak ("earthbag") boutegnieke.
3. Die beginsel van opleiding en selfwerksaamheid word ondersteun

Die argitek is besig met finale tekeninge.
Die penne is aan ons uit gewys. Sien fotos.

Blik-pos ons by vir meer inligting.

Ludwig en Retha


Request for proposal:
Are there any eco-builders who would like to participate in an Earthship
building project in Orania? Ludwig and Retha Everson are awaiting tenders to
bid on an Earthship project.

Who wants to join us in building an earthship in South Africa?
Volunteers are welcome.

1. Principles of Earthship building will be followed.
2. Principles of earthbag building.
3. Support the training and use of local Oraniërs/Afrikaners (self reliance)
as workers.

The architect is busy with the final drawings.
The surveyor has already placed the pegs. See photos.

E-mail us at for more info.

Ludwig and Retha

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