Saturday 15 March 2014

Son skuif in - - it is autumn and we are getting sun inside.

In die foto sien die herstelde plantebak. Die plantebak se muur was gebou met cob en blikkies. Die bokant se pleister laag was iets te dun en moes dikker gemaak word.

Verder kan u ook sien hoe die son weer begin inskyn in die plantebak in. Dit is goeie en slegte nuus. Die goeie nuus is dat ons weer saadjies kan saai, want in die somer wou die plante nie groei nie. Daar was geen direkte sonlig in die plantebak nie. Die slegte nuus is dat Orania nog nie behoorlik afgekoel het nie en die gang bly nou iets te warm.

Wie van julle kan die botterskorsie sien?

NOTA: Dit het so week gelede 16.9 mm gereën en gister nog so 6mm. Van laas week al is ons 30kl tenks vol.


In the photo you can the renovated planter. The planter wall was built with cob and cans. The top plaster layer of the wall was to thin and had to be made thicker.

You can also see the sun shining into the planter again. This is good and bad news. The good news is that we can sow seeds again. In the summer the plants did not grow, because there was no direct sunlight in the planter. The bad news is that Orania has not properly cooled down and the passage is
now still a bit to hot.

Who of you can see the butter nut?

NOTE: Last week it rained 16.9mm and this week 6mm. Out tanks are full. - 30kl!

Ludwig en Retha Everson

NOTE: Thanks for all the donations that we already received.

Aardskip donations / skenkings
Bank: ABSA
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Branch: 632005
Account name: LRHV Everson
Account nr: 9272495193
Reference: Aardskip

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