Saturday 23 November 2013

Lees wat ons besoekers sê oor die - - Read the visitors entries September 2013

Die week het ons gaste gehad en was ons ook nog 'n bietjie siek om alles te kroon.

Guestbook entries - Gasteboek inskrywing (September 2013)

* Anita Human (Warrenton) - Fantasties! Maak mens sommer opgewonde. / Fantastic! Makes one excited.

* Lorraine en Stephan Kuit (Windhoek) - Baie interessant. Doen so voort. / Very interesting. Keep it up.

* Annatjie v.d. Merwe (Petrusville) - So interessant, wensjul net die beste toe en sal weer kom kuier. / So interesting, hope you allof the best and will visit again.
* Anel en Johan v Heerden (Vrydheid) - Baie interessant - baie sterkte. / Very interesting - good luck.

* Dawie Buitendag (Orania) - Lekker gekuier, baie dankie. / Had a good time, thank you.

* Doreen Booyens (Johannesburg) - Was baie interessant. Ons het dit baie geniet! / Was very interesting. We enjoyed it very much!
* Jan Kilian (Pietersburg) - Uiters stimulerend! / Extremely stimulating!

* Onno Sakkers (Irene) - Verfrissend en oorspronklik. / Refreshing and original.
* Johan Malan (Irene) - Ek is diep beïndruk. Goeie ingenieurs beginsels en toepassing daarvan!! / I was deeply impressed. Good engineering principles and applications!

* Ryno Janse v Veuren (Bloem) - Baie oorspronklik. / Very original.

* Lawrence en Hannelie van Wyk (VDBP) - Was hier toe julle begin het, pragtig gevorder. / Was here when you started, progressed beautifully.

* Anton en Hester (Oudtshoorn)

* Spagie, Marietjie en De Klerk gesin (Welkom) - Dankie dat daar baanbrekers soos julle is. Sterkte, ons het dit geniet! / Thanks that pioneers like you. Good luck, we enjoyed it!
* Deon en Karin Terblanche - Well done!! Nuwe inspirasie vir ons. Een van die dae kom kuier julle by ons Eko woning. / New inspiration for us. One day you can come to visit our eco house.

* Gert en Marisa Coetzee - Baie mooi. Sal weer die eindproduk wil sien! Sterkte! Goeie gasvryheid! / Very nice. Will be great to see the final product! Good luck! Good hospitality!

* Theuns & Glyn & Tammy - Baie interessante konsepte. Is definitief iets vir ons toekoms. Iets om aan te dink en te begin beoefen by die huis. Dankie. / Very interesting concepts. Is definitely something for our future. Something to think about and start practicing at home. Thank you.

* Hendrik & Lidia Pretorius - Interresant en baie leersaam! / Interesting and very educational!
* Nqubeko & Cebile (CT & DBN) - Very interesting and creative, hope to see this self-sustaining lifestyle integrated more into our daily lives. / Baie interessante en kreatief, hoop om die geïntegreerde selfonderhoudende leefstyl meer in ons daaglikse lewens te sien.

Vrywaring: Google assited translations.(


We will add more entries to the blog in due course.

Sal binne kort nog inskrywings plaas.


Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Saturday 16 November 2013

The 30mm rain of last night gave us 6 kilolitres in the tanks - - was in die Saterdag koerant. Plus ons het 6 kl gratis water gekry van die hemel.

Read English translation below.



Gister (15 Nov 2013) het dit 30mm gereën.

Ons dak is sowat 7m by 30m, dus 5mm reën vul ons watertenks met ongeveer 1000 liter water.
So 30mm/5mm gee ons 6000 liters.

Die tenks se kapasitiet is 30000 liters en is 2000 mm hoog, dus elke 1mm is die ekwivalent van 15 liter.
So 6000 litre/15 litre sal ons 'n styging van 400 mm in die watervlak gee.

Dit is die hoeveelheid waarmee ons tenks se water vlak gestyg het. So ons vang elke druppel reën.


Verder was die Aardskip vandag (16 Nov 2013) ook in die koerante (Volkblad, Beeld en Die Burger).

Artikel in Volksblad


Die week het ons ook gewerk aan die herstel van die skuifdeur. Die wielletjies moes sand in gekry het en het opgepak. Nou werk die deur weer pragtig.

Verder het ons die lig by die badkamer spieëlkassie se bedrading afgehandel, die skakkelaar op 'n beter plek geplaas en laastens het Retha die bottelmuur klaar gepleister.



Last night it rained 30 mm.

Our roof is about 7m by 30m, thus ever 5mm will fill our tanks (reservoirs) approximately with 1000 litres.
So 30mm/5mm gave us 6000 litres.

The tanks when full is 30000 litres and are 2000 mm high, thus every 1mm is the equivalent of 15 litres.
So 6000litre/15litre give an increase in water level of 400 mm.

That is the amount that our tank's water level rouse by, thus we capture every drop of rain.


Article in this weeks Saturday paper (Google Translated):

"Where the earth's ship landed" by Sandra Troskie

Orania in the Northern Cape self determination extends as far as to live completely independent of the electrical-, water supply- and sewerage grids. Sandra Troskie went to visit that earthship neighbourhood.

Wow, it looks unsightly ! "My spouse complains about the whole squadron pylons marching on the Karoo Landscape. You get used to that titanic steel rubbish from Eskom, but so far their advance was mainly confined to our nation's highways. This is the R388, a dirt road between De Aar and Hopetown.

Like Koos Doep (famous song writer) warned years ago with his "Footprints on the Moon" that civilization sowing its seed of development, night after night. And by the time we wake up, "breaking the earth's crust with steal sprouts where ever you go."

My melancholy snappy response: "Wait for Shell or Falcon or Bundu Gas, only their planned ten drilling rigs on a 300 ha stand here!"

This is one of our major issues, the proposed exploration of shale gas in the Karoo. He is obviously an agricultural economist and therefore realistic about the demands of the modern economy; I (so I gather) a Donna Quixote in madness fight the drilling rigs of progress.

Live months in a shower of rain

But just a day after my husband (and Koos Doep) convinced me there can be no escape for the Karoo from the capitalist caterpillar forces, I heard at the first session of the Karoo parliament of an earthship.

"Why should waste be a problem ?" Ludwig Everson asks while holding an empty blue plastic bottle - that curse of our modern world through the air waves.

"Old tires, cans, bottles, plastic ... We must only learn how to recycle."

With colourful photos he demonstrated how he harnessed rubbish to build his and his wife, Retha's special house in Orania.

"Energy? Why should we have a problem with it while the sun ?" He continues.

"The sun never get blackouts. And he'll be there when the earth no longer exist."

Later that night I nagged the Everson's to go and look at this exceptional home.

"Of course, " Retha and he agrees generously. "Come drink coffee at our home."

Coffee at the Everson's is more than an old coffee cup, we realize when we stop in front of their house in Orania. It's more a demonstration of the most basic claims of an earthship: It operates independently and is ecologically sustainable.The water with which the coffee is made from rainwater collected from the roof. udwig takes us to the six green water tanks where 30,000 litters of rain is stored.

This water is, according to him is used four times: 1) First is filtered for drinking and cooking purposes, 2) then it is grey water and led to their indoor vegetable garden where the roots of the plants filter the water, 3)
then where the filtered grey water is used to flush the toilet and 4) last end up as black water in the septic tank.

But this is not the end of its use, now the solids are separated from the liquids. From solids bio-gas is manufactured and voila! - A stove that functions without shale gas.

The liquids are absorbed and filtered by the roots of the trees again and so prevent groundwater to be defiled.

The effective use of their water - a scarce commodity in a semi-desert Karoo resulted in that the Everson's can survive for months on just one shower of rain.

Bottles create slightly sacred feeling in the house.

Ludwig run water in a black kettle and placed it in their solar oven; a stainless steel dish focuses the sun's rays on the kettle with great effect. With this oven, the family not only make coffee water, but also cook meals.

While the sun proves itself as a formidable candidate for clean energy, Ludwig took us on a short tour around the outside of the house.

"The temperature of the earthship needs to be regulated and so insulation is important. That 's why our back is built on the slope of a hill. To the east and south the outside walls is built with sandbags still needs to plastered.

"You can see how thick the sandbags are. It creates a thermal mass that stabilize the temperature further.

"Initially we plaster the walls first with a mixture of soil, straw and shale; then with a mixture of sand, soil and lime, this results in the natural earthen colour."

My husband asked if cement to be used. Well, Ludwig added, but minimal: "I used less than seven bags of cement in the entire building process so far. Actually just for the support poles and the sliding door foundation."

We returned to the front and left side of the house, built with massive double-glazed windows. Ludwig took the black kettle from the solar oven and invited us inside. While Retha, transform the water, without shale gas
boiled water, in four cups of delicious coffee, he takes us through the  inside of their earthship.

The interior walls are constructed of recycled cans and bottles and like the exterior walls plastered.

Glass bottles in some places are used as natural glass tiles, which gives the house a slightly sacred feeling.

The earthen floor is oiled and polished. Retha created a lovely mosaic mandala on the kitchen floor with broken tiles.

Solar panels are on the roof and the angle of the roof is planned to keep the sun at a safe distance in the bloody Karoo summers.

But in the winter the rays creeps a generous 5m deep in to the house; a sunny corridor they especially utilized for their indoor vegetable garden .

Pumpkin runners with yellow and bright flower, creating a lush curtain between the family, which includes Joanelle (21) and the 19-year-old Arno private residential area and the outside world.

In between a wide variety of other vegetable and herb plants are also in the planter.

The knowledge and technology to live ecologically sustainable and independent of fossil fuels is clearly there.

With newly acquired hope

On the way back from Orania I listened to "Footprints on the Moon" with different ears.

"No way , Koos Doep!" I rebuked him (and myself) with my newly acquired hope "to stop capitalist caterpillar, the world just need dreamers".

And because I know that I am far from being so brave as Ludwig and Retha Everson - "people who are willing to blaze new trails to track."

Sandra is a freelance journalist from Stellenbosch. She and her family relentlessly recycle and shower with water-saving shower heads.


vriendelike groete
Ludwig, Retha en Arno Everson

Thursday 14 November 2013

Koop die Volksblad / Beeld / Burger van Saterdag 16 Nov 2013 en loer in die By - - will be in the Afrikaans newspapers of this Saturday 16 Nov 2013.

The aardskip will feature in the Magazine of the Afrikaans Saturday newspapers. Article written by Sandra Troskie.


Koop gerus een van die Afrikaanse koerante (Volksblad / Beeld / Burger) en loer in die By om 'n mooi artikel van die Aardskip te lees. Gekryf deur Sandra Troskie.


vriendelike groete
Ludwig, Retha en Arno Everson

Saturday 9 November 2013

Lekker eet in die - - produce delicious food.

In the photo you see the delicious food we eat from our own indoors planter. he plants are grown on the grey water from the Aardskip's bathroom and kitchen.

This week Retha and Arno took all the furniture from our store room and place it in our lounge. So we now have a lounge.

For the rest we worked on the bathroom, we placed final two wall panels, installed the shower head and a light above the bathroom mirror.

Check this link out as well:


In die foto sien u die heerlike kos wat ons uit ons eie binnenshuis planter eet. Die plante word gekweek met die gryswater van die bad- en skottelgoedwater.

Hierdie week het Retha en Arno al die meubels van ons stoorkamer getrek na ons sitkamer. So het ons nou 'n sitkamer.

Vir die res het ons gewerk aan die badkamer, ons het die laaste twee muur panele, die stortkop in die bad en 'n lig bo die badkamerspieëlkas geïnstalleer.

Hier is nog 'n artikel oor die aardskip:


vriendelike groete
Ludwig, Retha en Arno Everson

Sunday 3 November 2013

Lees wat ons besoekers sê oor die - - Read the visitors entries.

Guestbook entries - Gasteboek inskrywing (Vervolg)

* A & E Williamson (Bloemfontein) - Awesome / Asemrowend
* Izemari & Steph Roberts (Kimberley) - Wonderlik wat julle doen. Het baie respek vir julle, alle voorspoed. Mag julle nog baie mense inspireer. / Wonderful what you are doing. Have a lot of respect for you, all the best. May you inspire many people.
* Louis & Hermien Coetzee (Bloemfontein) - Ongelooflik. Vrou met baie geduld. / Unbelievable. Woman with a lot of patience.
* Pieter Pienaar & Co (Bloem) - 'n Kykie in die toekoms, fantasties! / A look into the future, fantastic!
* Jalot & Annabie Kachelhiffer, Chris & Rensche Kuhn (Mercedes-Benz Klub)-
Baie interessant!! Stuur vordering per e-pos asb. / Very interesting!! Please send progress via email.

* Neels & Reinette de Joge (Worcester) - Baie vindingryk en interessant en iets vir die toekoms. Gaan so voort!! / Very inventive and interesting and something for the future. Continue!!

* Eve Fairbanly (Washington, DC) - Incredible - and I'm so jealous of the *warmth* in winter! /  Ongelooflike - en ek is so jaloers op die * warmte * in die winter!

* Caudia, Hugo & Jean - Dis awesome :-) / It's awesome :-)

* Annelie & Wilem (Middelburg) - Dankie vir julle tyd - jul is besig om iets amazing te skep - kan nie wag om dit te sien as dit klaar is nie. / Thank you for your time - your are working to create something amazing - can not wait to see it finished.
* Alison, Veronica & Kate (Hopetown) - Awesame copncept! / Ongelooflike konsep!

* Zak Ludick (Orania) - Dit is 'n lewende huis. Al het dit baie moeite gekos is dit die moeite werd. / It is a living house. Though it took much effort it is worth it.

*Christo & Erna Hatting (Benoni) - Baie innoverend en harde werk. / Very innovative and hard work.

* Johan Kruger (Irene) - Nie 'n gemaklike lewenswyse nie maar maak sin! / Not a comfortable lifestyle, but makes sense!

* Harols & Libby Churchill (Greytown) - Very, very interesting. Well done! / Baie, baie interessant. Goed gedaan!

* Hannes Bosscher. (Strand) - Na aan die natuur, voorspoed. / Close to nature, God's speed.

* Franie & Gudrun Cloete (Vleesbaai) - Interessant ~ sal weer kom kyk sodra voltoooi is. / Interesting ~ will come again when completed.


We will add more entries to the blog in due course.

Sal binne kort nog inskrywings plaas.


Ludwig, Retha & Arno Everson

Saturday 2 November 2013

Herwinnig in die - - use pipes and bottels to create doorhandles and glass bricks.

Bou: Die week het ons gewerk aan die badkamer. In die foto sien u die bottel muur se buitekant wat gekalkpleisterlaag is. Verder sien julle hoe ons, ons eie moderne deurhandvatsels maak maak met herwonne materiaal.

Plante: Baie dankie aan tannie Magda Opperman vir die koejawelboom, die boom het onmiddellik uitgeloop. Verder doen ons tamaties baie goed en die eerste tamatie is ryp, volledig organies. Die piesangboom doen nie goed nie, die stegie was seker verkeerd afgesny. Kan iemand vir ons 'n nuwe piesangbome
skenk? Die avokadoboom loop ook baie mooi uit. Verder is tweede oes slaaiblare is ook al eetbaar. Ons eerste blomkool het ook begin blom.

Water: Die gryswater wat gebruik word vir die spoel van die toilet is nou stabiel en skuim nie meer uit die bak uit nie. Reën is nog baie skaars en ons moes 'n paar keer 'n paar liter rivierwater toe gevoeg in ons tenks.


Building: This week we have been working on the bathroom. In the picture you see the outside of the bottle wall. We plastered the lime layer and you see how we make our own modern door handles with recycled material.

Planter: Thanks to Aunt Magda Opperman for guava tree, the tree already sprouted. The tomatoes are doing very well and the first tomato is ripe, fully organic. The banana tree does not do well, maybe the cutting was the wrong size. Can someone please donate the earthship another banana trees? The avocado tree
is doing fine. Our second harvest salad leaves are already edible.

Water: The grey water used for flushing the toilet is stable and does not foam out of the bowl, anymore.Rain is still very scarce and we had to add a few litters of river water in our tanks.


vriendelike groete
Ludwig, Retha en Arno Everson

Pos: Posbus 186, Orania 8752, Suid Afrika
Tel: +27 73 134 9671
GPS: -29.8168,24.4115

Aardskip donations / skenkings
Bank: ABSA
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Branch: 632005
Account name: LRHV Everson
Account nr: 9272495193
Reference: Aardskip