Saturday, 20 April 2013

Sewage week - Julle sien hier die aardskip se gat (vir die septiektenk)

Die week het ons gewerk aan die riool stelsel. Die eerste 16 meter pyp is reeds gelê. Verder is die septiektenk se gat gegrawe. Agter die huis is ons besig om "landscaping" te doen om seker te maak die water van die heuwel kom so gou as moontlik na die voorkant van die huis en bly nie agter die huis nie. Die werk word gedoen deur die mense wat uiteindelik die biogasverteerder gaan instaleer, Gradus Teseling.

Binneshuis het ons twee panele van die badkamer geplaas. Die waskamer en eetkamer se kalkpleister is klaar. Die 2e-, 3e-, bad- en waskamer se mure is reeds afgewit.

Die plante groei goed, ons sal die week ons eerste bone oes, verder is die pampoen besig om groter te word.


We are busy installing the septic tank. The first 16 metres of drain pipe is installed. At the back of the house we are busy with landscaping to make sure the water flow to the front of the house as fast as possible.

Inside we are busy with the bathroom panels, the lime plastering and white washing.

The garden is doing very well. We are now letting the pumpkin climb up the windows and who knows just now we will have hanging pumpkins. Next week we will harvest some of our beans.

Ludwig, Retha en Arno
Pos: Posbus 186, Orania 8752, Suid Afrika
Tel: +27 73 134 9671

Donasies - donations
Bank: ABSA
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Branch: 632005
Account name: LRHV Everson
Account nr: 9272495193
Reference: Aardskip


  1. The sewage system is probably the most exciting and interesting aspect of the earthship. I saw some videos about how the sewage water is causing plants to grow in the desert. Can you imgaine it?

    Are you using a normal flush toilet?

  2. Seeing that an earthship uses it water four times. Is a flush toilet preferred.

    1. Washing purpose => grey water goes to the planter
    2. Plants => filtered grey water accumulates in a 1 metre deep well
    3. Toilet => black water go to septic tank and black water cell.
    4. Outside plants
