Met die plasing wil ons baie dankie sĂȘ vir almal wat vir ons 'n skenking
Alle skenkings is baie welkom, maak nie saak hoe klein ook al. Met die inkomste kan ons voortgaan met die projek en toere gee. Ons het 'n visie dat meer van die tipe huis gebou word, ook vir mense wat minder gegoed is. Sal die nie wonderlik wees as meer mense huise het wat vir hulle voedsel, energie en water verskaf?
Die geld word huidiglik gebruik om die erf belasting te betaal.
Thank you very much for all donations that we received.
Your donations make it possible that we can continue with this project and keep on giving tours. This way we can spread the idea and make people more aware of the fact there is an alternative way of living. We have a vision to see many more of these type of houses, also for the less privileged. Will it not be fantastic if there is more house that can provide their owners with food, water and energy.
Presently the donations are used to pay the municipal rates.
Ludwig, Retha & Arno
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