Friday 12 September 2014

Kyk na ons plante, wortel deursnee 8cm - - What do you think our stalk with 88 tamatoes.

This month is one of the hottest Septembers ever and this is a definite sign of climate change.

In Durban the previous record temperature was 34 degrees C, if the forecasts are correct it will reach a new record of 35 degrees. The other cities in South Africa also have extreme temperatures for September.

Thus far this month we measured maximum of 37 outside and at the same time the inside room temperature was only 25. Today again we measured 34 outside and a mere 24 inside. The lowest that we measured outside was a cold 4 degrees C outside and at the same time the inside was a comfortable 17 degrees C. Do you also want an earthship?

At the moment I am busy installing the second bedroom's windows and door, once this is done I'll finish off the ceiling. Then we will start tackling the kitchen ceiling.

In the meantime the indoor's garden is doing well. My one tomato stalk, that is now going for its second year, has currently 88 tomatoes, see photo. On the other side of the garden is my carrots and one carrot has a diameter of 8cm, see other photo.


Hierdie maand is een van die warmste Septembers ooit en dit is 'n definitiewe teken van klimaatsverandering.

Bv. in Durban was die vorige rekord temperatuur 34 grade C, indien die voorspellings korrek is, sal dit 'n nuwe rekord tempratuur van 35 grade bereik. Die ander stede in Suid-Afrika het ook 'uiterste temperature vir September.

Tot dusver hierdie maand het ons 'n maksimum van 37 buite gemeet en op dieselfde tyd was die kamertemperatuur net 25. Vandag het ons 34 buite gemeet en binne was dit slegs 24. Die laagste wat ons buite gemeet het, was 'n koue 4 grade C buite en op dieselfde tyd was die binnekant is 'n
gemaklike 17 grade C. Wil u ook 'n aardskip hĂȘ?

Op die oomblik is ek besig om die tweede slaapkamer se vensters en deure te installeer, sodra dit gedoen is sal ek die plafon klaar maak. Dan sal ons die kombuis plafon aanpak.

In die tussentyd doen ons binnenshuistuin goed. My een tomatoe rank, wat nou gaan vir sy tweede jaar, het tans 88 tamaties, sien foto. Aan die ander kant van die tuin is my wortels en een wortel het 'n deursnee van 8 cm, sien ander foto.

vriendelike groete
Ludwig en Retha Everson

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