Saturday, 16 March 2013

Gryswaterpomp is werkend en een kamer se muur is klaar - One room wall is done & the toilet can be flushed with grey water.

In the photo you see the inside of the earthship. The inserted photos show enlargements of the plants, the pump, inside tap, the cistern connections and a room.

The plants in the grey water cel use some of the water and the rest will flow to a well. The grey water pump will pump the water to the inside tap and toilet cistern. The cistern connections are made in such a way that clean water can also be used to fill the cistern if there is not enough grey water. There is also a one way valve to prevent the grey water to flow to the other taps, e.g.. the zinc taps.

The wall of the room that is finished, was initially plastered with cob (1 straw : 1 clayish ground : 1 shale), then with a lime plaster (1.5 clayish ground : 1.5 sand : 1 lime ) and finally white washed (2 clayish ground [colour]: 1 lime).

Currently it is only my wife, my son and myself working on the earthship.


In die foto sien u die binnekant van die aardskip. Die invoegsels is vergrotings van die plante, pomp, binne tuinkraan, spoelbakkonneksies en 'n kamer.

Die gryswater loop in die gryswatersel (plantebak) in, die plante gebruik van die water en die oortollige water loop in 'n put. Die gryswaterpomp pomp
die water na die kraan en die toilet se spoelbak. Die spoelbakkonneksies is so gemaak dat grys- of skoon water kan die spoelbak vol maak. Verder is daar ook 'n eenrigtingklep wat verhoed dat die gryswater sal uit kom by die ander krane soos die wasbakkrane.

Die voltooide muur is eers gepleister "cob", toe met 'n kalkpleister en laastens gewitwas (met 'n kleur).

Ludwig, Retha en Arno

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