Last weekend we went and had a look at an energy efficient show house in the Eye of Africa golf & resident estate.
The house have the following features:
1. PV solar system that is both a battery backed-up and energy saving grid-tide system.
2. Solar geyser / gas backup
3. Solar underfloor water heating / heat-pump for backup
4. Solar swimming pool heating
5. LED lighting / high efficient fridge and freezer / automatic passageway lighting
6. Central vacuum-cleaner
7. Central audio-system
Back at the range:
+ We busy installing the third bedroom's passageway wall. It consists of a window and door frame. See photo.
+ Further more you will see in the photo how well the plants are growing.
. The banana tree that we got in December from Retha's parents is already shoulder height.
. In the foreground you will see how our butternuts are doing. We already have 13 from two stalks.
. There are some beetroot, basil and a pink geranium, beans, spinach,carrots and cabbage.
+ Not in the photo is our tomatoes that is really doing very well. Currently there are between 60 and 70 tomatoes in different stages of ripeness. Worthy point to note is that the months where we had no direct sunlight in the house the tomatoes produced flowers but no fruit.
Verlede naweek het ons en het 'n blik op 'n energie-doeltreffende skouhuis in die Eye of Africa Golf & residential Estate.
Die huis het die volgende kenmerke :
1. PV sonkrag stelsel wat beide 'n battery rugsteun en energiebesparende netwerk gekoppelde stelsel .
2 . Son-geiser / gas rugsteun
3 . Solar ondervloerse verhitting water / hitte - pomp vir rugsteun
4 . Solar swembad verhitting
5 . LED-beligting / hoë doeltreffende yskas en vrieskas / outomatiese gang verligting
6 . Sentrale stofsuier
7 . Sentrale klank-stelsel
Terug by die aardskip:
+ Ons besig die installering van die derde slaapkamer se gang muur. Dit bestaan uit venster- en deur-raam. Sien foto.
+ Verder sal jy in die foto sien hoe goed ons plante groei.
. Die piesang boom wat ons het in Desember van Retha se ouers gekry het is reeds skouerhoogte.
. In die voorgrond sal jy sien hoe goed ons botterskorsie doen. Ons het reeds 13 van twee ranke.
. Daar is ook beet, basiliekruid en 'n pienk malva, bone, spinasie , wortels en kool.
+ Nie in die foto nie, is ons tamaties wat regtig baie goed doen. Tans is daar tussen 60 en 70 tamaties in verskillende stadiums van rypheid. Belangrik om te noem is dat die maande waar ons het geen direkte sonlig in die huis gekry het nie, het die tamaties blomme, maar geen vrugte geproduseer nie.
vriendelike groete
Ludwig en Retha Everson
Pos: Posbus 186, Orania 8752, Suid Afrika
Tel: +27 73 134 9671
GPS: -29.8168,24.4115
Aardskip donations / skenkings
Bank: ABSA
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ
Branch: 632005
Account name: LRHV Everson
Account nr: 9272495193
Reference: Aardskip
Ek hou julle vordering dop en kan net my hoed afhaal vir julle. Julle is voorwaar 'n voorbeeld vir ons almal. Dalene Oertel, Lady Grey.
ReplyDeleteBaie dankie vir julle ondersteuning.